BSB-KopfzeileStartseite Recherche und Service Anmelden, Ausleihen, Bestellen Medien oder Kopien bestellen Dokumentlieferung Altes Buch
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With this software you can create, fill in and print an order form. At the same time, you will be informed about the estimated price. All available products and their prices comply with the -> charges for photographic work.
This software merely creates a completely filled order form.
Please note: An order is only then valid after you sign it and will be considered after you send it to the Bavarian State Library or submit it at the responsible library branch.
With the exception of your signature, please don't add any other handwritten notes or edit the form, since only those information, which you have entered, will be processed. The customer data will solely be used for the purpose of order processing and won't be referred to a third party.

For your information: The orders are processed in the order of receipt. The processing of your order may be refused or delayed due to the preservation status of the original material and the availability of production capacity.

In case of non-commercial re-use already existing digital objects can be downloaded with the free service DaFo (Data for scientific research) in high resolution quality (jpg, 300 ppi).

Step 1
Please select the document type from the stock of the Bavarian State Library

Please note: Only the below-mentioned document types can be reproduced!
If a microfilm copy of the original document exists, then this will be used for reproduction.

1. manuscripts/music manuscripts/autographs/literary remains
2. incunables/shelf number beginning with ESlg, Rar. or Res
3. maps, photos, portraits, bills, vedute
4. precious score prints and prints till the year 1600
5. prints after the year 1600 and does not belong to 2., 3. or 4.
6. ektachrome, sheet film, reverse image on glass
7. microfilms - black-and-white/grayscales
8. slides
9. microfiches - black-and-white/grayscales
Document size (mandatory input)    up to A3 (DIN standard)        larger than A3 (DIN standard)
In case of doubt on document size, please refer to OPAC (full details/page number).